Collaborative divorce Surrey

Collaborative divorce Surrey

Family property can be any property owned jointly by both spouses. It includes items such the family home and bank accounts as well personal property. Fleetwood Family Law Firm’s dedicated team of lawyers is well-versed in the intricate legal issues surrounding divorce law. We recognize that divorce is a very difficult and emotional time and are here to help you navigate it. It is important that you remember that not all cases will qualify for spousal support. If the parties rekindle their cohabitation within the separation period, the clock resets and they will have to begin the separation period over again. Divorce Lawyers Surrey

Our uncontested divorce lawyers know that if both you and your spouse are amicable and reasonable, you will reach a settlement on all issues in your case. In this case, all you have to do is to let the court know and ask for a BC divorce. You do not have to appear in court, but rather the judge signs an order of divorce that may incorporate your settlement terms. An uncontested divorce essentially means you agree on everything, including child support, child custody arrangements, spousal support, and property and debt division. Contact our Surrey divorce lawyers by calling 604-575-1333 or contact us.